Stills from Somerset

You may have detected a theme of late of me alternately expressing brief childlike wonder at moments of brief sunshine and scowling Richard M. Nixon style at terrible downpours and lashing winds. Happily, knock on wood, it seems we are now firmly entrenched in the summer. So I'll stop banging on about the weather like a typical Brit.

So we all went to stay in a lovely cottage in Somerset countryside for a blissful two days. Hell yeah, the sun even shined! In the film A Cantebury Tale, Shelia Sim said, "What wouldn't I give to grow old in a place like this." My thoughts entirely about this cottage. Nestled snugly in some hills, not far from a great village pub and made of beautiful old stone and olde world wooden beams. Not to mention the gorgeous windows letting in all that light. Yeah, it was pretty awesome. We went for a walk and explored an abandoned building. We traipsed around a vast air museum. We drank beer and shot some pool. But mainly we lounged about drinking tea. And between periodic sips of tea I'd get up, schlep over to a corner, and start taking some shots...