Bristol mit Andy

Bristol, only 45 minutes by train from my stomping grounds of Cardiff, yet I barely ever go there. Why is that? It's pretty big with lots of fine pubs, charity shops, parks and music. It has many curious alleys, leafy avenues and fine Georgian terraces. And yet here I sit in Cardiff complaining of nothing to photograph. I'm a dolt.

Fortunately I have a friend over there called Andy. He proposed a fine mix of drinking and vintage clothes shopping. Reluctantly, he allowed me to bring my camera. So I hopped on the Megabus with our Polish friend Ag (full name unpronouncable my me) and lo, much boozing and photogging was done.

And hammishly posing for camera. Obv.

Last thing, I gave these the usual run through in Lightroom but decided to be a bit more adventurous with the tinkering, especially with a certain preset called Coolshades. I hope you like, I'm casting about at the moment trying to discover effects that look honest yet are a little amped. Sometimes I worry that I'm merely trying to pump up mediocre photographs. But the only way to get better is to keep shooting... so here they are... 

Andy and Ag. 

The following morning. Slightly hung over. Andy's two rather fine housemates joined us at the breakfast table. I wandered the kitchen blearily snapping with the camera until the most welcome coffee and bacon sarnies were served.  Then it was off into Bristol for the clothes shopping...

Man, there were some good vintage shirts there. Incidently, notice how in Seinfeld - more than ten years on - Kramer is now the well-dressed one where as supposedly fashionable Seinfeld looks hopelessly awful? Funny that. Anyway, Bristol begat Banksy, and thanks to him the city elders now look upon grafitti with an approving eye. This makes Bristol a pretty cool city to photograph.

Can you guess who it is yet? 

Bit of a long one that. Thanks for looking and I swear Bristol, I shall visit you some more. There're some pubs still to check out, for one!